Pacific Cruise 2010-11

October Pictures






Our last goodbyes to family and friends in New England











Here we are with the entire Merri-Mar team as Shango is about to be splashed. 













The crew













She's finally back in











In the water, packing and final preparations can begin











At last, Roy and Sven can hank on their new sails











The night before our departure the sky was not cooperating 











Despite the sky, Joppa, Shango, and Marianna were all lined and ready to head south at first light











A final goodbye from Lisa, Jay Jay, Ollie, and Otis











Next morning bright and early










Amy getting Shango off the dock and underway











Leaving Newburyport











As the sun came up we headed out the river, past the dredging barge, and on our way to Provincetown










Shango underway for first time with her new sails











After a fantastic first sail, a 20 - 25 knot beam reach, we arrived in Provincetown











Provincetown Tower











Company in the Cape Cod Canal






















Marianna powering into Cuttyhunk











Evening colors











Cuttyhunk sunset











Block Island Light











A Block Island Salt Pond sunset looks much  like a Cuttyhunk sunset











Our passage from Block Island to Cape May was a serious affair











This pretty much covers it











Cape May light heading toward the C & D canal











New sails pushing us up Delaware Bay











Tucked away at Reedy Island watching the shipping go by











Fall foliage along the C & D canal











Into the top of the Chesapeake











Motoring down the Bay






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November Pictures